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35 patients per day: Rega’s help was in great demand in 2024 too

The services of Swiss Air-Rescue Rega were also in great demand in 2024. The Operations Center organised approximately 20,000 missions. On average, the Rega crews came to the aid of 35 patients per day. The Rega rescue helicopters transported slightly fewer and the ambulance jets somewhat more patients than in the previous year.

In 2024, Rega’s Operations Center organised a total of 19,667 missions, which is 4.7 percent less than in the previous year. On average, the flight coordinators organised 54 missions per 24-hour period. The mission numbers for last year were 6.1 percent higher than the five-year average.

Rega helped 35 patients a day

Last year, Rega transported a total of 12,847 patients (-6.0%), which is in line with the five-year average. The Rega crews thus helped an average of  35 patients per day. The number of patients and missions do not concur because on Rega missions several patients may be transported on the same helicopter or ambulance jet, for example, or because search flights are performed without transporting any patients. Furthermore, the Rega Operations Center also organises missions for the mountain rescuers from the Swiss Alpine Club SAC, as well as livestock transports on behalf of Swiss mountain farmers.

Fewer helicopter missions compared with the previous year

The helicopter flight coordinators at Rega’s national air rescue coordination centre organise the missions carried out by the 14 Rega bases throughout Switzerland, as well as those flown by its partner organisations. Last year, they coordinated a total of 14,714 helicopter missions, 6.3 percent less than in 2023.  There was a decline in both the number of rescue missions flown by helicopter crews (primary missions: 8,693, -6.3%) and the number of transfer flights from smaller hospitals to central ones (secondary missions: 2,729, -8.8%).

Missions impacted by weather

The decline in primary missions shows that Rega's mission figures are subject to natural fluctuations and reflect, among other things, the weather conditions and people’s leisure-time behaviour in Switzerland. The wet spring with few hours of sunshine made for a late start to the summer season. The heavy rainfall in the middle of summer resulted in severe storms in Misox, the Maggia Valley and Brienz, where Rega assisted people in distress with several rescue helicopters and provided the cantonal authorities with various forms of assistance. In September and October, unsettled weather led to a decline of around 25 percent in the number of helicopter missions compared with the previous year.

More medical assistance abroad

Rega comes to the aid of people in distress not only in Switzerland, but also around the world. In the past year, a total of 2,552 persons experiencing medical problems abroad made use of Rega’s services (+3.6%). Its medical consultants provided 1,204 persons (+8.4 %) with medical advice over the phone, while repatriation was indicated for 1,348 patients. In such cases, Rega arranges for patients who have become seriously ill or injured abroad to be flown back home to Switzerland on board one of Rega’s three ambulance jets or on a scheduled aircraft accompanied by a member of Rega’s medical staff.

Repatriations in a Rega jet or scheduled aircraft 

Last year, the Rega jets transported slightly more patients than in the previous year: the Rega crews flew a total of 1,033 missions (+1.2%) and repatriated 1,029 patients on board ambulance jets (+1.4%). The Jet Operations Center organised a flight on board a scheduled aircraft for 319 persons (-5.1%). This cost-effective and ecological alternative to the ambulance jet is employed whenever the patient’s medical condition is sufficiently stable, this form of transport is not expected to have a negative impact on other passengers, and there are enough seats available on board the plane. The number of repatriations also fluctuates from year to year, and the frequency of flights by Rega’s jets varies depending on the travel and work activities of the Swiss population abroad.

Additional information

Rega Media Service:

Please note that the following contact details are for journalists only.

Rega Center
PO Box 1414
8058 Zurich Airport

T: +41 (0)44 654 37 37
(during office hours; available 24/7 in urgent cases)
(office hours)